Useful information from Puno

Useful information from Puno

The department of Puno is one of the 24 department of Peru located in the southeast of the country, Puno city is Located at an altitude of 3,820 meters above the see level.

Puno City lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca (the largest navigable lake in South America and highest in the world) and its main attractions are the Uros floating islands and natural islands of Taquile and Amantani. Islands were inhabited since time immemorial by Quechua and Aymara civilizations.

Lake Titicaca is a body of water located in the Collao plateau in the Central Andes at an average altitude of 3812 meters between the territories of Bolivia and Peru. It has a total area of ​​8562 square kilometers of which 56% correspond to Peru and 44% in Bolivia (176 km. Long and 50 km. Wide), its maximum depth is estimated at 281 m and its average depth is calculated 107 m.

Bordered on the east by Bolivian territory, southwest with the departments of Tacna, Moquegua and Arequipa, west to the north of Cuzco and Madre de Dios.

With access by road from the following departments:

  • 265 Km. (166 miles) east of Arequipa.
  • 389 Km. (244 miles) south of Cusco.
  • 45 Km. (29 miles) southeast of Juliaca.
  • 1,495 Km. (935 miles) southeast of Lima.

Distances of other places of interest from Puno City:

  • To Airport, 55 km / 1hour and 15 minutes.
  • To Juliaca, 44 km / 45 minutes.
  • To Sillustani, 34 km / 40 minutes.
  • To Lampa, 80 km / 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • To Ayaviri, 137 km / 2 hours and 45 minutes.
  • To Chucuito, 18km / 20 minutes.
  • To Ilave, 54 km / 1 hour.
  • To Aramu Muro or Ajayu Marca, 62km / 55 minutes.
  • To Juli, 79 km / 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • To Yunguyo (border with Bolivia to go to Copacabana) 128 km / 2 hours and 30 minutes.

You can also visit other tourist sites in Puno as:

Route Quechua (Rumbo to Cusco)

  • The archaeological site of Sillustani: where we will see the impressive funerary towers surrounded by a spectacular lagoon.
  • The pink city of Lampa: Where we can appreciate its beautiful church, its catacombs and its stone bridge.
  • The archaeological site of Pucara: Where we can see its famous bulls of Pucara and lithic museum.
  • The canyon of Tinajani: Where we can see its impressive stone forest in Ayaviry.

Route Aymara (Rumbo to Bolivia)

  • Chucuito: Where can appreciate the famous temple of fertility their church, gazebo and trout farm.
  • Juli: Where we can appreciate its beautiful churches that were worth to be known as “Little Rome of America”.
  • Amaru Muru: Where can appreciate the enigmatic door carved in rock simulating the Puerta del Sol in Bolivia, ideal for mystical activities.

Climate: The city of Puno lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca and is cold and semi-dry climate. The rainy season starts in October and ends in April and the season of frost (coldest months) starts in May and ends in August, the highest average annual temperature is 14 ° C (58 ° F) and minimum 3 ° C (37 ° F ).